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Office Relocation and its Key Benefits

We are pleased to announce that we have new headquarters at AgioGlobal! Right in the heart of Madrid, we have moved from Glorieta de Quevedo to calle de Luchana But why have we done it and what benefits could it have for your company? Learn about office relocation and its key benefits in this article.


Relocating office or workspace can bring numerous benefits to a company, as is the case at AgioGlobal. As experts in the human resources sector, here are some of the benefits:

  • A more central and accessible location: Moving the headquarters to a more central and accessible location makes it easier for clients and collaborators to get there, which can improve the company’s image and increase its attractiveness to potential business partners.
Oficinas de luchana 23 fotografía del exterior

This can translate into higher job satisfaction and lower staff turnover.

  • Improved workspaces: A new office can have more modern and spacious workspaces, which can improve employee productivity and well-being. This can translate into higher job satisfaction and lower staff turnover.
  • Integration of new technologies: New technologies allow companies to reduce the use of paper and other resources, as well as optimise the use of space and energy, thus improving the company’s corporate image and reinforcing its commitment to sustainability. They can also sometimes serve to improve the safety and security of company assets Surveillance systems, fire detection, cloud backups…
  • Increased expandability: A larger, more modern office can allow the company to continue to grow and add new departments and services. This can be crucial to remain competitive in an increasingly demanding market.
  • Improved company image: A modern and well-located head office can improve the company’s image and strengthen its position as a company in its sector. This can attract valuable talent and business partners.
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A larger and more modern office can allow the company to continue to grow and add new departments and services.

In summary, office relocation can be a strategic decision that can bring numerous benefits to a company. If done in a careful and planned manner, it can help improve productivity, employee wellbeing and the company’s image, which can translate into greater overall success in the long term.

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