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Preliminary Draft of the Whistleblower Protection Law

The law regulating whistleblowers or people who report on regulatory breaches is a legal framework that aims to protect these people. The law seeks to promote transparency and accountability in the business environment, while at the same time protecting whistleblowers.

Who is Protected by this Law?

It applies to all persons who report breaches of law in the workplace, irrespective of their employment status or legal relationship with the company. This includes employees, self-employed workers, collaborators and any other person who reports an irregular conduct in the workplace.

The law regulating persons who report regulatory breaches aims to promote transparency and accountability in the business environment.

What Does it Protect?

This law protects individuals who report regulatory violations from any form of retaliation by the company or its employees. This ranges from disqualification to termination of employment, discrimination or harassment at work.

What are the Rights of People who Report on Regulatory Breaches?

Individuals who report regulatory violations have the right to be protected from any form of retaliation by the company or its employees. They also have the right to be informed about the course of the investigation and to be heard if disciplinary proceedings are opened against them.

What are the Obligations of Companies in these Cases?

Companies have an obligation to ensure the protection of individuals who report wrongdoing. In addition, they must establish appropriate channels for receiving and handling complaints and ensure the confidentiality of the information received.

What Consequences Could the Company Have for not Complying with the Law?

Failure to comply with regulatory law can have serious consequences for the company, both in financial and reputational terms. The company may face financial penalties and fines, as well as a bad image in the eyes of the public and investors, partners…

Individuals who report regulatory violations have the right to be protected from any retaliation by the company or its employees.

How to ensure compliance with this law?

To ensure compliance within the company, it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent and protect whistleblowers. This includes implementing appropriate channels for receiving and handling complaints, training employees on the importance of the law and the culture of transparency and accountability and ensuring the confidentiality of information received.

How Can a Culture of Transparency and Accountability in the Company be Fostered?

To foster a culture of transparency and accountability in the company, it is necessary to lead by example and promote values such as honesty, integrity and respect for legality. In addition, it is important to establish an open and effective communication channel with employees, and to guarantee the protection of people who report regulatory violations.

What Do We Do About this at AgioGlobal?

At AgioGlobal we provide a safe and respectful work environment. To achieve this, we have a highly trained and dedicated compliance committee to effectively manage all communications related to workplace wrongdoing. In addition, we implement a rigorous code of conduct that encourages ethical and professional behaviour at all times, and a protocol for effective internal investigations to address any situations of workplace or sexual harassment. We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees and are constantly reviewing and improving our practices to achieve this.


The law regulating whistleblowers is an important legal framework that seeks to promote transparency and accountability in business, while at the same time protecting whistleblowers who report misconduct in the workplace. To ensure compliance with the law and foster a culture of transparency and accountability in business, it is necessary to take effective preventive and protective measures and lead by example.