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What is Quiet Quitting and Why is it Gaining Popularity?

We are witnessing a new trend in the workplace: quiet quitting. Although it may sound contradictory, quiet quitting refers to the decision of employees to leave their jobs quietly, without attracting the attention of others and without generating conflict. This trend is on the rise and more and more workers are deciding to leave their jobs in this way. In this article, we explain what quiet quitting is, why it is gaining popularity and how it affects companies and employees.

What is Quiet Quitting?

It is a discreet way of quitting a job. It is a discreet way of quitting a job. Instead of explicitly quitting, employees who practice quiet quitting simply stop participating in work, walk away from their tasks, reduce their productivity and start looking for new job opportunities. In short, it is a way of leaving through the back door, without, a priori, causing trouble or attracting the attention of others.

Employees who practice quiet quitting simply stop participating at work, walk away from their tasks, reduce their productivity and start looking for new job opportunities.

Why is it Gaining Popularity?

Firstly, the pandemic has brought about a change in the mindset of employees. Many workers have begun to value their time and quality of life more highly, and are willing to leave a job that does not satisfy them to find one that better suits their needs.

Secondly, silent resignation is a possible way to avoid conflict. Many employees are afraid of confronting their bosses or causing problems at work, so they prefer to leave their job discreetly and without drawing attention to themselves.

Finally, it is also a way to protect professional reputation. If an employee leaves a job abruptly and in a confrontational manner, it can damage his or her reputation and make it difficult for him or her to find a job in the future. In contrast, this way allows the employee to leave in a sensitive manner.

How Does Quiet Quitting Affect Companies and Employees?

It can have several negative effects for both companies and employees. On the one hand, companies may lose valuable talent without even realising it. If an employee decides to quit, the company may not know it is at risk of losing him or her until it is too late. It can also lead to productivity and morale problems, as other employees may feel that their colleague is not contributing enough.

If an employee decides to resign, the company may not know that they are at risk of losing them until it is too late.

On the other hand, it can also negatively affect those employees. If an employee decides to leave their job quietly, they may not receive the support they need to make the transition to a new job, either by losing the opportunity to receive a letter of recommendation or by no longer maintaining a good relationship with their former employer.

In summary, the silent resignation is an employment trend that is gaining popularity due to a number of factors. While it can be a sensitive way to leave a job, it can also have negative effects for companies and employees. It is important that both employees and companies are aware of this trend and know how to manage it effectively to minimise its negative effects.

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